Address: P. O. Box 392, Perry Hall, MD 21228


Summary of the latest projects happening in the yoruba community.

Adopt a Yoruba Excellent Student (AYES)

Adopt a Yoruba Excellent Student (AYES)

The AYES program matches excellent Yoruba students with donors who are interested in helping them succeed in school. Donors are gratified to know they helped a specific Yoruba student and made a big difference in his or her life. Would you like to adopt an Excellent Yoruba Student?

Many families in Yorubaland today who want a brighter future for their child can’t afford the benefit of a good education. Recipients of our Adopt-A-Yoruba-Exc

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Adopt a Yoruba Excellent Student (AYES)

Student Exchange Program (SEP)

The SEP program sponsors/cordinates Yoruba students attending Nigerian Colleges/Universities to come to a partnering institution in the US for one semester.
SEP fits into our initiatives for helping Yoruba Youths who will find their exchanges culturally enriching, academically rewarding, and one of the most significant experiences of their undergraduate education.

Team Tenabe organizes its own programs by reaching out to notable schools

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Adopt a Yoruba Excellent Student (AYES)

Entrepreneurship/ Empowerment Agenda for Yoruba People (EAYP)

The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.” -Brian Tracy. Team Tenabe will help Yoruba irrespective of their religion, sex and political affiliation to rise to their maximum God-given potential. We will strive to provide an opportunity that unlocks the potential of entrepreneural acumen that leads to a new generation

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